Day 7: Trust
lies at the heart of any successful and enduring personal or business relationship, so each organisation will do everything possible to establish and maintain the trust of all its stakeholders. We strive both as individuals and leaders to build trust within our teams, particularly as Managers and Directors, and aim to take specific steps to achieve this vital objective.
Day 8: Stewardship
Making the best possible use of and conserving scarce resources is a vital objective from both a corporate and an individual perspective. This presents an opportunity for creative solutions in given situations, and the adoption of counter-cultural approaches that will avoid waste and use resources more sparingly through some form of recycling. Responsible business needs to be marked by sustainable development.
Day 9: Justice
In each situation we meet we aim to exercise justice, and to discern the appropriate balancing of rights and claims in a given human and organisational context. We recognise fairness to be a concept that calls on us to put ourselves in the place of others and act accordingly: ‘Do to others as you would have them do to you’.
Day 10: Diversity
We are committed to maintaining a workplace enriched by diversity, and characterised by respect for all employees, business partners or visitors regardless of race, colour, gender, age, sexual orientation, class, creed or education.
Day 11: Life Balance
continues to be a struggle for everyone in today’s world of work. The challenge is to achieve a balance between commitment to the organisation and to family, local church, community and life beyond work. Accepting that no perfect solution is possible, we strive to enable a fair allocation of commitment, time and energy between these varying demands. We aim to persuade senior colleagues to adopt family-friendly working practices, and we expect, as a leader, to apply this flexibility within our own area of responsibility.
Day 12: Corporate Reputation
A well-founded reputation for scrupulous dealings with customers, employees, investors and suppliers is a priceless asset. Such reputations depend on the effective leadership of directors and managers in relation to employees and the external bodies representing stakeholder interests. Businesses should take every opportunity to implement ethical practices and to introduce imaginative external initiatives. Such reputable practices, with a demonstrable commitment to quality, should form part of every Annual Report.